persuasive speech about beauty standardswho came first, noah or abraham


Body image has become a huge issue in society today, with magazines such as Shape, Covergirl, Vogue, Seventeen, or celebrities such as Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, or Kylie Jenner. In a study done by Clay, Vignoles and Dittmar they showed three groups of adolescent girls magazine images. What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. Therefore even though photoshop gets rid of flaws, celebrities still choose not to use it. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards, Cause And Effect Essay About Pollution, General Computer Knowledge Resume, Oregon Cis Resume, Resume Toronto Canada, Popular Movie Review Writers For Hire Us, Tracing Worksheets Math Business Enquiries. The media is responsible for all of this. The Plastic Generation (Persuasive Speech on Child Cosmetic Surgery) The first problem that contributes to adolescent cosmetic surgery is pressure from the media. As I said before the media is to blame for unattainable beauty standards. Nowadays we are surrounded with billions of images and we are influenced by the people we see in magazines and advertisements. Some of these features include fair skin, thin hour-glass body shape for women, muscular body for men, etc. Try and persuade your audience that beauty pageant should be banned because they do not function as anything other than a way to enforce unfair standards of physical attraction. Zendaya Coleman saw a picture of herself on a magazine and became upset about how her picture was edited. According to SSCC, the average American woman is 54 and 140 pounds. These are also the pictures that are being shown to teenagers at a time of their lives that they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and looking good(Tabitha Farrar). Many of these celebrities go out and get plastic surgery, Botox injections, and Silicone implants. Many of these youngsters end up have eating disorders and other serious mental and physical illnesses. The author states that, magazine images are routinely airbrushed: thighs slimmed, wrinkles smoothed and blemishes removed (29). Every single day women are faced with the questions of whether they are pretty enough, skinny enough, whether men are attracted to them, whether they can be loved or not, and whether people think they are beautiful. Body image is a major issue for young ballet dancers with potentially life-damaging consequences because of the distorted idea of body image instilled in them at such a young age. First, with family, friends, and other relationships, we can further educate each other and work together to come up with alternatives to these linked issues with body image. Diversity and Representation Body Image Issues The Male and Female Perspective Plastic Surgery Normalization and Encouragement It does not target a specific age group or gender. "My problem is the top of my legs and my bottom, which sticks out. 40% of girls aged between 6 and 12 want to change their appearance. Theses beauty standards are advertised in various ways and these beauty standards that are set are unrealistic. I'd like to start this presentation off with a question for you. It can control our brains in many ways , for example if we see a picture with food people might stare at it and end up getting hungry that's a way that social things can control our brain cells. Body Neutrality 2. An already beautiful woman was altered and refined so that she could fit the qualifications of the magazine editors. Teens spend more than one-third of their day on social media looking at stereotypical images of perfect bodies and people. Speech On Body Shaming. There are many causes and effects of this problem, but there are also things we can do to fix it. Media images of ridiculously thin women are everywhere television shows, movies, popular magazines. This idea that every girl needs to look the same, like a doll, to be beautiful is absurd, and the people who enforce such thoughts are just as damaging. This is the first step towards self-love. Social Media Clothing Brands and Fitness commercials can cause serious judgemental harm to women due to not living up to ideal beauty. First, you'll need to choose a side on a controversial topic, then you will write a speech to explain your position, and convince the audience to agree with you. These standards for beauty create what our society believes makes a woman desirable, attractive, perfect, and overall beautiful. Figure two indicates that the chances of girls dieting are 2.2 times likely than men. Who is to decide the beauty standard of men and women? Models that are incredibly thin and can look good in anything. They feel the need to have flawless skin, to be thin, to be tall, and to be perfect. Members of society at-large strive with conform to prevailing ideals in order to be validated as attractive. Here is our list of 10 best persuasive speech topics. 12 Customer reviews. When they turn on the TV, read magazines or go on the internet. Another startling statistic that was in the same study conducted by Marium Javaid and Iftikhar Ahmad, was that actresses and models had 10-15% less body fat whereas the average body fat for healthy women is 22-26% (30). The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to nudge an audience into seeing the valid points behind your opinions concerning a specific subject. Studies have suggested that eating disorders among adolescent girls have increased over the past fifty years. Discuss how beauty can improve self-esteem and having the feeling that you are beautiful can promote healthy development. To persuade people to explore the different ideas of beauty are different in each perspective throughout the standard. As youre walking down a street you may notice a young group of girls or women walking and they see a huge billboard of a beautiful model. Since 90% of people with eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25, we should be asking ourselves what is causing my child to develop destructive habits at such a young age? The answer is that theyve been told that the type of body, The author argues that the number of plastic surgeries has been increasing among teens due to the huge impact that the surgery has on increasing self-confidence and body-image satisfaction. Have you ever looked at an image on Social Media, seen a movie, commercial, or show and looked at yourself and felt ashamed or unsatisfied. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). Finished Papers. REVIEWS HIRE. We can embrace our sizes, our shapes, our freckles, our foibles. Piggy and fatty if they're overweight. In today's world, it feels almost impossible to be happy, this generation is all about the media which makes having self-esteem 10x harder. While there are many possible causes and triggers for these disorders, the medias influence on body image cannot be overlooked. 81% of 10 year olds are scared of getting fat. 1430 words 5 page (s) Abstract. In todays society the perfect female proportions are nearly impossible for one to healthily obtain, but this does not stop women of all ages to going through impossible measures in order to be one step closer to what they consider perfection. For many girls all ages, shapes, sizes, around the world, eating disorders are becoming more prevalent for weight, Teens today are always surrounded by advertisements of images of thinness. The lack of connection between the real and ideal perception of their own body and firm willingness to modify their own body and shape so as to standardize them to social concept of thinness (Dixit 1), being focused on unrealistic expectations can cause women to lose themselves and change their attitude on how they view their body, and not for the better. I think we are all beautiful just the way we are. Studies have shown that women who occupy most of their time worrying about body image tend to have an eating disorder and distress which impairs the quality of life. They photoshopped her to look thinner, have more appealing features, and even changed the shape and color of her hands. Cinderella is portrayed as a beautiful, thin, feminine female while her ugly stepsisters are shown as short, overweight and masculine. Instead of looking at peoples character and personality, society decides to judge people based on the way they look. Body image is something that is a constant struggle for many. ; Environmental activism: Climate change, offshore oil drilling, and green technology are just a few of the hot-button . Visit the order page and download the assignment file. Not to mention, that the photo may be photoshopped to make it seem as her body is perfect, or she had plastic surgery to fit the idea of having the perfect body. The obsession over weight has led to an increasing number of individual's who have developed eating disorders due to low self-esteem or other related issues. Adolescent girls use the media to help figure out how they should look and act, which consequently mirrors how their eating patterns change and evolve. People that a lot of money and higher status are more likely to be able to live up to these standards. Advertising is a mind game. A slight minority of women do recover from having body images issues, but for many women it remains to be a life long struggle where they will continue to battle with their self-image and self-concept for their entire, The unrealistic body images portrayed by both genders in the media have long term impacts on an adolescents self-esteem and future, so take a long look at yourself in the mirror and learn to love what you. Cooking should be taught in schools. This advertisement was most likely published around the 1950s. So when people look and see that they dont look like theyre favorite super-model it can put a downer on their self-confidence. Some women are willing to sacrifice comfort and tolerate the pain to achieve them. The opening and closing of speech are the most important. mostly in malaysia fair skin girl is what malaysia call as pretty. Plastic Surgery Solutions: 1. Why choose us. The popular girl who is captain of the cheer squad could also be the girl kneeling over the toilet gagging up the food she eats. Example 2 - Support for the reason given above. I would like to say that I am comfortable in my own skin and come across that way (I also eat a lot), but I am just like any other girl and have gone through the phase myself (and when boys call me cute, I tend to turn into a strawberry and deny it vehemently). Many celebrities such as Zendaya Coleman, Lady Gaga and others have refused to use photo shop. Giving to charity is good. Culture is obsessed with outer beauty and being as flawless as you can be, and often leave out how important inner beauty is. Hands up, how many of you are currently completely satisfied with your body and looks. However, because teens are going through a lot of physical changes they do not usually look like social media 's definition of perfect and they become insecure. Girls at that age should not even be concerned with their bodies yet and eating disorders being developed is a harsh wake up call as to how young girls everywhere are being effected by the media each and everyday. Approximately 1% to 5% of young girls meet the criteria for bulimia nervosa (Johnson, Chandra). Wrap up your persuasive speech with a strong conclusion. In a recent survey done by the National institute on Media and the Family, fifth graders, ten year old boys and girls told researchers they were dissatisfied with their own bodies after watching a music video by Britney Spears or a clip from the TV show Friends.(4) If this isnt shocking enough, the research group reported that at the age of thirteen, fifty-three percent of American girls are unhappy with their bodies. This grows to seventy-eight percent by the time the girls reach seventeen. 377 . T he death penalty should be outlawed. Celebrities and their lifestyles is one of the main reasons why society emphasises on physical appearance and perfection. Not knowing in the next five minutes theyll be comparing their bodies to the model and feeling bad about themselves wishing that they had her body. Women have a major difficulty with accepting the, The Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, unlike the Americans do not gather statistics, but Canadian surgeons say they are seeing the same increase in plastic surgery among the millennial youth (Thomas, 2015). What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. The medias interpretation of the ideal body is even affecting kids. 112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. Practice gratitude. Objectives : 1. The most important part of a persuasive speech is the conclusion, second to the introduction and thesis statement. Beauty Standards of the Modern Age. Adolescents idealize celebrities and try to be like them. Create an Outline. In her eyes, nothing can replace person-to-person communication. The perfect wife was supposed to stay home and have dinner ready and on the table for when her husband arrives home from work. Whether its magazine covers, instagram, twitter, on television or just on the world wide web in general, everywhere we look we see stunning models. It isn't about it being realistic or not of one person, it is about . Can cause or be an additive to eating disorders 3.) London based writer, Lawrencia Amfo-Asiedu, wrote a piece in November called "The Perception of Beauty Standards" with a goal to showcase positivity and highlight inspiring individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds.She reached out to us to feature it on MelaninASS and we graciously accepted. Many women around the world have struggled with their weight and how others see them. This has led to an increase in cases of lower self esteem, body dysmorphia issues, and eating disorders. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Speech on "How and why it is wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard"BIOLA STUDENT COMM 100 Individuals diagnosed tend to view of their body shape in a distorted representation. Men and women nowadays are starting to lose self-confidence in themselves and their body shape, which is negatively impacting the definition of how beauty and body shape are portrayed. Fifth, we can eliminate the comparison and competition we have with one another to look the best and be the sexier women. Lastly, and this goes to all women, we must learn to have respect in ourselves and look after ourselves and one another to be beautiful individuals in our own, unique way (Ramsey). 191 Best Persuasive Speech Topics. 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I'm sure you've heard of Heidi Montag - MTV's "The Hills" star, who took away her natural beauty and turned herself into a living Barbie doll. Education makes us happier people. Step 2 - Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position. You can explore different ideas of beauty over . Images of models are constantly construed to resemble the form of beauty that society idolizes, which is often white, unreasonably skinny, hyper sexual, and flawless. Such idealizations lead to negative self-perceptions. Step 3 - Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of . Or are your first thoughts about dieting and how to rid yourself of that muffin top? Adolescent girls are targeted by culture, pressured by their peers surrounding them, and taunted by their own self-consciousness, often leading up to acquiring an eating disorder. There are many people around the world trying to live up to the beauty standards that society has placed on them. Be proud of yourself. The A in Asian: Perfection Kills Jenny Nguyen Preview Problems: 1. Men would have to have dinner on the table before their wife. Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty standards placed on people.The unrealistic standard placed on people make them feel like they need to change themselves. When did being zero-sized decide the worth of a woman and being muscular that of a man? The best way to make sure that your essays and papers are written perfectly is to work following outlines. That number increases to 78 percent once girls reach the age of 17. We have seen how the people who are shown in advertisements, films, TV shows, magazines, and even news channels share certain features in common. "Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it.". Activists helping to combat the beauty mold, society's More by this author. These are called Logos ( Logic), Ethos ( Ethics), and Pathos ( Emotion). As girls begin to hit puberty, their bodies start to change. While not all beauty image ideals promote negative feelings and dissatisfaction, many believe that the negative effects far outweighs any positive effects. See in magazines and advertisements scribd is the top of my legs and my bottom which! Advertisement was most likely published around the world & # x27 ; t about it being realistic not. Opinions concerning a specific subject grows to seventy-eight percent by the time girls. Ideal body is even affecting kids percent once girls reach seventeen main reasons why society on. Be thin, to be thin, to be thin, feminine female while her stepsisters! Celebrities go out and persuasive speech about beauty standards plastic surgery, Botox injections, and often leave out how inner. 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