darlie routier dna results 2019who came first, noah or abraham


Its suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but REALLY its MORE like YOUR guilty UNTIL proven otherwise. I havent heard a word about the great advances in post partum depression in the past 20 years. What a farce! Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. If she had stabbed those babies they were to small to put up a fight that would end in that type of defensive injury. I grew up a cops kid therefore youI was around lots of police from patrol officers to investigators to the Captain. And the oldest boy woke up during the struggle and the intruder(s) saw that Devon was awake and had seen him and killed him. What a weasel without a conscious. Ive watched her. They never looked for another. When Darlie turned her back to the kitchen to tell Damon to stay back, the guy doubled back and darted down the hallway and right out the main entrance. One of the kids, most likely Devon, woke up and saw one of their faces, and dude panicked and stabbed him with the hunting knife he brought with him. I am yet to see her post or do one single thing to try and help Darlie prove her innocence? Shes where she is, because the forensics points directly to her. His interpretation of blood stains at the crime scene convinced the jury that there had been no intruder. Darlie Routier, 48, shared her account of what happened when her two sons, five and six, were stabbed to death in 1996 in a new documentary The two-hour 20/20 program is set to air on Friday She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? They need the money. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/. Everything worked against Darlie from the terrible venue of right wing Kerrville, Texas to the set up by the ProsecutorsOffice and local police ie the taking of the 5th amendment and the 33,000 mistakes by court reporter, Sandra Halsey. But only when there is NO DOUBT and DNA evidence. Is a bit strange. Possibly over money ? Do u know how stupid u sound? 5 minutes and 44 seconds of that 9 minutes, Darlie was on the phone to 911. Who put your panties in a knot ? What you put out into this world comes back on you tenfold. I think the guy drugged her with what was on the sock, and then when the kids started waking up he shut them up. BTW, I am 100 percent against the death penalty. None of this proves she murdered her children, just like the silly string at the gravesite 8 days later. DarlieRoutierFactAndFiction.com She never confessed. Blood on front of couch cleaned up I am so sorry for what has happened to your children. Perhaps you are referring to a picture of a sink featured in S. Clemmons HubPages article? He was arrested in 2005 for the murder of Theresa H. DNA evidence says he murdered her. I agree with everything you said. Overzealous cops made up their minds right from the start and MADE the evidence fit Darlie. There is only one English language with the meanings documented. Its all of YOU wholl pay for stealing her time away from her one remaining son! No need for anyone to reply with any ugly language as we all have the right to believe what we believe & I just said what I believe!! They just ignored it!! Her arm was also completely black and blue, how is a bruise so deep and bad self inflicted? She gets very pissy with him during the 911 call and says I didnt do anything, Darin, somebody came in here and did this. The boys blood spots on the back of her gown or tee shirt, cast off, that sticks in my head.all these years. The only way is if she did the stabbing. You want to help Darlie? I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. Im of the mind that we not only should, but MUST make absolutely sure of guilt before killing someone for a crime. FIGHT ME. Get right!! Like Darlie Kee; her mom, stated in an interview: the life insurance money on the boys wasnt even enough to cover the cost of funeral and burying them. What intruder would come in and stab 2 little boys to death, and not kill the mother? That smile on her face? What were they thinking!! They convicted a innocent woman. The dna in the sock. She also testified for herself against her lawyers advice and that says a lot to me. A killer stabs her washed his hands before leaving but was being presued by darlie bs . I know this is an older post but I am just now hearing about this case. Stop being a pussy and hiding behind a fake name. Thats why she had to get it out of the house. Explain how a bloody sock with both boys blood got thrown in the ally for then 75 yards away. I doubt even YOU believe that anymore, Jade. I think you are indeed dangerous. Its not proof its opinions. PRAY IT DONT HAPPEN TO YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN BUY THEN ICG IT DID WE AS A NATION CAN DISSECT EVERYTHING YOU SAID OR DONE.. DONT JUDGE SOMEONE UNTIL YOU WALK IN THEIR SHOES. At that point, you went off on Dana and threatened her. That 911 operator should have been criminally charged for pure negligence throughout that entire 911 call. Why dont they investigate Darin? Much of what you trained crime scene investigators have written gives so much insight to what Darlie was doing the night of the incident that Im amazed many of you are not in politics or at the very least a psychic. The operator kept her head and did a fine job. The evidence the original court lawyers found linking Darin to the crime was never shown to the jury. Texas certainly needs to get their head on right and do right. I would have probably given up. Wasnt the murder weapon left at the original scene? Why did no one notice this??? I can only pray to god to get her the redemption she deserves. No way, Texas would never execute an innocent person! But when a District Attorney wants to go forward I dont know how they can sleep at night!!! Her death was ruled a suicide in 74. Just watched it on unsolved mysteries. Bottom line is the system failed the real victims, these two little guys. I was in her court room during the hearing because my custody case was following hers which meant my always got delayed. LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE DUMB ASSES !!! Its completely possible that the possible intruder simply didnt drop any blood on the way out? Come on.. they both did it they both should be locked up. But Id guess you people would rather think those babies did that to her, right? Darlie, who was also sleeping downstairs, had two slice wounds in her right forearm and one in her left shoulder, and her throat had been cut. According to Jovell, she refused; she wanted nothing to do with it. JMO I would hope that people on any jury I was judged by would understand what reasonable doubt is. It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. James Baldwin, They need to clean up the courts and the cops in Texas, Hows that *new* DNA testing working out? Doesnt take a thing. Chucked something hard at her arms ? They never investigated her husband. One of the things that really angered me was that stupid juror who finally decided that Darlie was guilty because she had breast implants and nice jewellery!!! The fact that he lied about his alibi is finally starting to catch up with him. Proving her innocence , this will be a big hit with media news. I am saddened by the whole process. Also, not a fact or evidence but she stayed on the phone almost six full minutes never went to try to help her boys. I know that if she gets out they will just charge her with her other sons murder and try harder to mislead/explain things like the sock Im sure her life is over either way. For 20 years, the organization fought to run through the national database a bloody fingerprint found at the scene of a rape and stabbing that occurred in Baton Rouge, La., in 1982. I have mine also but Im smart enough not to argue what I cant prove. I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. NOT on her character, the way she looked nor the ss video. I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. All these people were concerned enough to take note of this suspicious-looking car that didnt belong in the neighborhood, but no one was able to get a tag number? I was told that 20/20 will mostly be using footage from last summers ABC docu-series The Last Defense, in which Routiers case was spotlighted in four one-hour weekly episodes. Now Greg Davis and Toby Shookthose motherfuckers are God. Folks, I was in jail twice for drug related victimless crimes and I would listen to peoples stories about how they robbed houses. Why was she screaming they they they all over She planted it probably had the sock with the boys blood on it days earlier. Not sure if guilty or innocent. Come on people. Now he acts like he supports her. 67. Everyone knows scumbag defense attorneys dont require clients to be innocent. All you baby killer lovers never talk about those precious little boys who had to look at their own mother snuff the life out of them. For sure, them good ol boys, used media, before trial, during investigation,messed up, used news media during trial, even out side court room disrespecting defendant, family members on tv, investigators refusing to be held accountable during and after trial for injustice errors. Doug Mulder lied when he said the experts were not brought in because there was no funds for that? Please dont announce youre a republican. Two of her three sons, six-year-old Devon and five-year-old Damon, were also. That Miss Parris who was interviewed during if documentary is a complete fool. A true narcissist. To bad the blood thirsty murders want her executed and think she was guilty cause she had a boob job. First of all, those idiot cops and prosecutor will NEVER, EVER admit that they are wrong or even could be wrong! I PRAY FOR HER RELEASE AND I HOPE SHE SPITS IN EVERY POLICE OFFICERS FACE THAT HIGH FIVED CHARGING HER.. Until learning about this case I thought as women wed come much further in gaining equality. But the faucet handles at the sink had no visible blood on them. If proven wrong be human and concede, vanity has no place in a courthouse! It was not shown in its entirety. Really??? And thats my opinion. In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. He is a sadistic killer and a continued threat to women. There is over whelming evidence against him, yet the jury never saw any of it. Or you didnt do your job. Lol. Darin had 2 policies on each of the victims and nobody found that suspicious? Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABCs 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier. They didnt. Im from that area and was there and followed the whole thing from the beginning. Totally agree, couldnt say it better myself I believe she is totally innocent.Those friggin videos hung her. Yea. Very unprofessional conduct, with some reasonable doubt springing to mind. I wouldnt be surprised if he has it in for a pretty woman resembling Darlie. Thats just her problem, only thinks about her self, if they were in financial runes why would she get implants? Especially since it was coming from more than one account. This case should have never been tried. I have never forgotten hearing that and I cant believe that the jury was not allowed to see her injuries. Drake's father, Darin Routier, didn't take custody of him right away after the murders, because he wanted to get his finances in order, Liz Stevens reported. I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Some of these individuals have been given large monetary compensation theyre owed & unfortunately theres a long list of innocent individuals that havent received any wrongful compensation, which is sad!! There was nothing weird about the silly string. And yes to Darlies mom- theres a person who is normal, not violent, no mental illness, could cold bloodily kill her own children for absolutely no reason whatsoever? Yes, unfortunately there are mothers like that- & your daughter is one of them. Its very obvious that her ex husband hired someone to do a robbery. This is the conclusion to the Darlie Routier series. Why wasnt it on when the first officer showed up 3 minutes after the 911 call. 85j contained no male dna. Do I believe that the state gets it right? Well said. She was a child murderer when she killer her own sons, and shes still a degenerate, egomaniacal, twisted and malicious female. There was never no real evidence to charge her with. He has made thousands of dollars spewing his lies in all those interviews and talk shows. Those jurors and the prosecutors should be ASHAMED of themselves because they took one look at her and her lifestyle, threw away the key, and loaded up the needle. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Darlie received some of those injuries earlier in the night before the actual attack? The slash across the throat was done as a half-hearted coup de grace. He was the only person who left the house to summon the woman across the street because she was a nurse, hence the bloody sock that was found yards away from the crime scene. I think after this interview, you will have some questions. Darlie is INNOCENT!!! You didnt know those kids, they did. So your saying Diane Downs and Ted Bundy werent psychopaths until a doctor said they were? Darlie Routier, 26, has cut and stab wounds on her neck and upper body. What forensic evidence?? An innocent mother is on death row and her husband who was never investigated is walking free living his life as a victim? Stop supporting this baby killer. Your daughter is a psychopath thanks to you. Chloroform was never found on the sock. As far as the silly string hour well first of all we all grieve different no right are wrong to it. Ive seen MANY shows where people have inflicted wounds to themselves to make it look like an intruder. WTF is wrong with you? There have been so many exaggerations, embellishments, and half-truths from well-meaning supporters over the years but its not necessary. Oh and the minor cuts on one or two fingers, when she was supposedly fighting with the killer. @pepsi vs. @CocaCola at the Atlanta Airport. Well we wont be silent for damian and Devons sake she is right where she belongs and there is not one new piece of evidence that is going to prove anything but DARLIE ROUTIER MURDERED HER SLEEPING BABIES but will you supporters finally admit she is a cold blooded murderer when these new tests come back showing once again Darlie is right where she belongs actually she should be 6 feet under by now. Family has been claiming this shit for years. Its as if they dont realize someones life is on the line. Theyll use the familia DNA to find the right killer . Routiers lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, committed a lethal error by not putting on the stand two blood spatter experts who had been enlisted by the court-appointed attorneys who had worked the case before he was hired. Your daughter stood at the kitchen sink and stabbed and cut herself. They were classic defensive wounds, too. Absolutely not superficial cuts !! I sincerely hope all of her appeals have been exhausted and she will meet her fate SOON! In 2015, 85-J was analyzed for Y-STR and contain no male DNA. Ignorant people for sure. Now he straight up failed his polygraph. He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. I believe she is guilty HOWEVER there is absolutely reasonable doubt. I dont think I ever heard them doing this. TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 (A Tragedy of Errors, July 1, 2015). She slit her throat after it was not impossible too plant the sock explain her injuries bruising too the arms was definitely her doing the intruder grabbed her arms violently too leave all the bruises but had a knife on hand the entire time.darlie said her critically wounded son walked in the kitchen with her as she moved towards a intruder so the stabbing was done later right? When this first happened, I thought she was guilty. STUPID JUDGES who denied her right to retrials should be held accountable and off the bench. Why is Darlie still in prison? Absolutely agree this woman was railroaded just because of her actions at a Birthday Party at her childrens Burial site, woow.!! All the lies he has been telling over the years to cover his tracks are all starting to catch up to him. I do think many factors contributed to Mrs. Routiers conviction. Why would someone inflict such pain on themselves ? Had Darlie stuck with the original lawyers she would not be on death row today, but there is a very good chance her ex husband would be there. Darlie has a chance if she comes clean about what she knows about Darin. The area that this happened in was an upcoming upscale area. A bunch of ignorant Texas yahoos. Darlie Routier (Darlie Lynn Peck) was born on 4 January, 1970 in Altoona, Pennsylvania, U.S., is an American convicted murderer on death row. Upstairs in the bedroom, behind a closed door, sound asleep. I, for one, can testify that is absolutely not true. In River Oaks where I live, if you breathe wrong, people get nervous. Or considering staging. As for the extremely opinionated (Im sure), Christian, Kerrville woman, whom Im also pretty sure is a TRump supporter: do you feel that way about the First Lady? Why, you ask? She is a child killer. She has wasted her appeals away on that silly intruder theory. Her mother had an offer from Dr. Phil five years ago to do his show get his help with further testing, worldwide attention to her daughters case and she refused. It is time for Darlie to wake up and start spilling the beans about that ex husband of hers. Her actions at a darlie routier dna results 2019 Party at her childrens Burial site, woow.!!!!!!!... Stabbed and cut herself one account executed and think she was a child murderer when she was guilty she! Never forgotten hearing that and i cant prove i would hope that people on any jury was! 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